Connect to AMQP serverΒΆ

Use the connect() function to connect to an AMQP server, which returns a Connection object. The connection to the server is opened when entering the async for block, and likewise closed when it’s exited.

Most of the library’s functionality is in the Channel class. Call to open one. It’s a context manager too: The channel is closed when async for exits:

import ammoo

async with await ammoo.connect('amqp://localhost/') as connection:
    async with as channel:
        pass  # channel is open

A connection may have several channels open at the same time:

async with await ammoo.connect('amqp://localhost/') as connection:
    async with as channel_1, as channel_2:
        print('two channels opened')
        async with as channel_3:
            print('yet another one opened - 3 in total')
        print('channel_3 is closed now')

Next: Declare a queue and exchange